
Shamsul Alam

Member (Senior Secretary), General Economics Division, Bangladesh Planning Commission, Bangladesh

Dr. Shamsul Alam is serving as the Senior Secretary of the General Economics Division of the Bangladesh Planning Commission. He completed his Ph.D. in Agricultural Economics and Food Marketing from the University of Newcastle upon Tyne, England, in 1991, during which he won the British Technical Assistance Award. He completed his M.A. in Economics from Thammasat University, Bangkok, Thailand, in 1983 on the Winrock International Asian Fellowship, after completing his B.Sc. (Hons.) in Agricultural Economics from Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh, in 1972. Dr. Alam joined Bangladesh Agricultural University in 1974 as Research Associate, became Lecturer in 1975 and got promoted to Assistant Professor in 1978, Associate Professor in 1987 and Professor in 1993. He worked for UNDP/FAO as a National Consultant for 4 years 5 months (2000-2005) on leave (lien). He was granted the Erasmus Mundus Visiting Scholarship (Funded by EU) to work as Visiting Professor at the University of Ghent (Belgium), Humboldt University, Berlin (Germany) and Wageningen University (the Netherlands) during academic sessions 2007-2008 to deliver lectures on courses of M. Sc. in Rural Development, Agricultural Marketing, and Resource Economics. He has published 55 scientific articles in peer referred national and international journals, authored 12 books on research and economics text, supervised 40 Master’s theses and 2 Ph.D. dissertations at Bangladesh Agricultural University, and edited 25 books (national and international). Dr. Alam led the preparation of National Planning Documents as Member, General Economics Division, Bangladesh Planning Commission during 2009-20 period: Sixth Five Year Plan FY2011-FY 15; Revised Accelerated Poverty Reduction Strategy Paper II (FY09-FY11) entitled, ‘Steps Towards Change’; ‘Perspective Plan of Bangladesh 2010-21- Making Vision 2021 a Reality’; National Sustainable Development Strategy (2011-2021) and First & Second Implementation Review of the Sixth Five Year Plan (1912). He led the preparation of the Bangladesh National Social Security Strategy (2015-2025), and the Seventh Five Year Plan (2016-2020). He led the preparation of the Bangladesh Delta Plan 2100 and the Bangladesh second Perspective Plan (2021-41) based on Bangladesh Vision 2041. He also led the preparation of a number of evaluation and annual Progress Reports on MDGs and SDGs. During his tenure in GED, 105 knowledge products (plans, evaluation reports, research books) were published by GED. He currently serves as Member, Board of Regents Potuakhali Science and Technology University (four terms consecutively), Member, Syndicate of Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymensingh (fifth term), Member, Syndicate of Bangabhandu Agricultural University, Salna (second term); Member, Syndicate of Shahjalal University of Science and Technology, Sylhet (three term) and Member, Syndicate of Sylhet Agricultural University (consecutive four terms). Serving as Member of Governing Board, BIDS. He received the Ekushe Padak on Economics in 2020, Economist of Influence Award 2018 by SANEM (South Asian Network of Economic Modelling), Gold Medal Award by Bangladesh Agricultural Economists Association in 2018, Rebel Poet Kazi Nazrul Islam Memorial Medal by Government approved ‘Shikkha Projobekhan Society’ in 2018, Gallantry Award with Cash grant by Bangladesh Agricultural University Alumni Association in 2018 and Resource Development Award in 2019 by Resource Development Foundation.