
Róisín Moriarty

Róisín Moriarty is a Senior Research Associate at the Tyndall Centre for Climate Change Research. Her research focuses on the carbon cycle. She is currently Executive Officer of the Global Carbon Project, UK Office.Her first postdoctoral position was as a chemical oceanographer. She studied helium and tritium distribution in the south Atlantic and Southern Ocean. She worked in the noble gas geochemistry lab of Prof. Chris Ballentine at the University of Manchester.Dr. Moriarty received her PhD in Environmental Sciences from UEA (2009). Her research combined zooplankton physiology and ecology with biogeochemical and ecosystem modeling. She was part of the Green Ocean Group under the supervisoin of Prof. Corinne Le Quéré.The Marie Curie Association awarded her a postgraduate Fellowship in Antarctic Air-Sea-Ice Science. For the duration of her PhD she was at the British Antartic Survey, Cambridge.Dr. Moriarty graduated from the National University of Ireland, Galway (NUIG) with a BSc in Marine Sciences.