
Renuka Thakore

University College of Estate Management

Dr Renuka Thakore is the Founder of Global Sustainable Futures: Progress through Partnership Network to achieve Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 targets. She provides a collaborative platform for innovative and transdisciplinary partnerships and capacity development for early career researchers joined by senior experienced researchers from Global South and Global North. Dr Thakore believes in broader concept and uses multi-dimensional lens (social, economic, environmental, political, institutional, cultural, and technological) of sustainability, theoretical framings, and innovations to address the problems of societal systems and propagates this through various activities – research, teaching, and practice. She encourages systems thinking, engagement and active participation of multiple stakeholders for effective governance and management for sustainable transformations, use of transdisciplinary research methodology to co-create solutions that are multi-modal and ‘value-added’ to relevant stakeholders.