
Natalie Chong

Science Officer

Natalie Chong is a Science Officer at the French Global Hub of Future Earth in Paris. Previously, she was a researcher at LEESU (Laboratoire Eau, Environnement et Systèmes Urbains), with a focus on the (co-)production and use of scientific knowledge and its tools in the context of water resources management in large river basins in France and Australia. She has also worked in the Philippines on a youth employment programme funded by the Canadian International Development Agency (CIDA) and in Cambodia, researching, developing and testing different agroecological techniques with local farmers and experts. At Future Earth, her work focuses on the Science-Based Pathways for Sustainability Initiative and supporting science-policy collaboration. She holds a PhD in Environmental Science from École des Ponts ParisTech, a MSc in Sustainability and Innovation from Université Joseph Fourier and a BA in Global Studies from Wilfred Laurier University.