Leopoldo Cavaleri Gerhardinger
Leopoldo Cavaleri Gerhardinger is a researcher with experience on topics ranging from marine ecology and ethnoecology to, most recently, the theory and practice of ocean governance. Beyond academia, Leopoldo is also actively involved in building knowledge networks across coastal Brazil, using web-based social media tools and cross-disciplinary facilitation approaches to advance new types of voluntary engagement for improved governability of emerging oceans issues. Leopoldo is coordinator of the Earth System Governance (ESG) project Research Fellows network in Latin America, member of the Executive Secretary of the Brazilian Future Ocean Panel (PainelMar) and advisor on marine spatial planning to the Secretary of the Brazilian Interministerial Commission on Sea Resources (SECIRM). Further he is Science-Policy Coordinator of the Future Earth Coasts endorsed project Babitonga Ativa and member of the council of the Early Career Researchers (ECR) Network of Networks (NoN).