Dr. Anik Bhaduri
Executive Director, Sustainable Water Future Programme
Anik Bhaduri is the Director of the Sustainable Water Future Programme (Water Future) of Future Earth. Water Future is a global platform facilitating international scientific collaboration to drive solutions to the world’s water security problems. Anik coordinates this large network of more than 400 researchers from Water Future’s 15 international and interdisciplinary working groups and facilitates integration and synthesis exercises in collaboration with working group members. He plays a key role in designing and developing key Water Future initiatives like COMPASS, a comprehensive assessment tool for near real-time assessment of global water security, Solutions Lab as well the capacity building activities related to water security like 2030WaterSecure. Anik is also an Associate Professor at the Australian River Institute, Griffith University, Australia and a senior fellow at the Centre of Development Research, University of Bonn, Germany where he works on several topics and projects, ranging from transboundary water sharing to adaptive water management under climate change.