Amanda Shores
AAAS STP Fellow at NSF
Amanda is a Science Officer with FutureEarth U.S. Global Hub working on Sustainability Science 2.0 and the Sustainability Research & Innovation Congress. She is trained as a urban ecosystem scientist focusing on vulnerabilities in communities arising from industrial processes and public resource access. Her expertise is in community outreach, program management, as well as geographic information systems (GIS) and R statistical software. She was the Program Manager for the Secondary Cities Initiative, an international community-based mapping program geared towards providing basic geospatial information for informed decision making. She led community outreach efforts for river restoration to bolster stakeholder buy in and promote resilient restoration design. Amanda’s PhD was completed at Colorado State University studying the groundwater contamination risk and remediation of spills arising from oil and gas extraction. She is passionate about supporting inclusion of disadvantaged individuals in STEM and sustainability activities for better representation and personal empowerment.