Agni Kalfagianni
Co-Chair, ESG
Dr. Agni Kalfagianni is member of the Utrecht University Environmental Governance group Dr. Agni Kalfagianni is Associate Professor of Transnational Sustainability Governance at the Copernicus Institute of Sustainable Development, Utrecht University. She specializes in the effectiveness, legitimacy, and ethical and justice considerations of private and transnational forms of governance in the sustainability domain. She is coordinating lead author of the 2018-2028 science plan of the Earth System Governance project and co-founder of the international Planetary Justice Taskforce. Agni is (co)Editor-in-Chief of the Global Environmental Governance book series by Routledge, Associate Editor of the Earth System Governance journal, and member of the Editorial Board of International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics and Agriculture and Human Values journals. Her work has appeared in numerous international peer-reviewed journals including Global Environmental Change, Journal of Business Ethics, Globalizations, and edited volumes with major university presses, such as the MIT Press.