Future Earth actively involved in the G7 Hiroshima Summit 2023 related events
Related to the G7 summit and Ministerial meetings, there were several activities in Japan. Here, we introduce two events in which Future Earth was actively involved.
“Youth Co-create” project co-organized by SWiTCH and Sapporo City
As Sapporo City was the venue of the G7 Ministers’ Meeting on Climate, Energy and Environment, SWiTCH, a youth platform bridging the intergenerational sustainability gap in Japan, worked with three experts (Taro Yamauchi, Seita Emori from the National Committee and Fumiko Kasuga, Japan Hub Director) to host lectures on the concept of planetary boundary. Japanese youth based on the lectures created a list of 10 actions for sustainability they wish to achieve at a city-level. The project is progressing into the action phase and with Sapporo City to create a list of sustainable souvenirs to support the transition of the travel industry. More information in Japanese can be found here.
Planetary Health Expert Meeting “From COP27 and COP15 to the G7 Hiroshima Summit: New Partnerships for Solving Climate, Environment, Biodiversity and Health Issues” co-organized by HGPI and Nagasaki University
This event was held on May 12 with the purpose to promote awareness and understanding of the linkage between the global environment and human health and also to foster an environment for discussions in preparation for the G7 summit, the G7 Nagasaki Ministerial conference on Health, and other related high-level meetings. Tony Capon, Masahiro Hashizume, Chiho Watanabe (Members of Health-KAN) and Fumiko Kasuga, Japan Hub Director, participated in the panel discussions.
See the event report on the HGPI website.
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